Within the year 2020, the sanitary crises brought about a lot of changes. One of the sectors that had to adapt to the new situation most was the logistics linked to e-commerce due to a significant rise in the consumers' demand.
Nonetheless, the experts confirm that it has been only the acceleration and consolidation in the sector that had been predicted years ago, owing to the fact that electronic commerce inevitably will be gaining ground on traditional commerce. A case that reflects this situation very well is the international company Amazon, which drastically increased its revenue this year and was forced to invest more resources in its logistics system in order to be able to satisfy all the costumers.
According to a study by the sectoral observatory DBK, the logistics systems linked to e-commerce generated the volume of revenue of 2.3 billion of euros, which means 24,3 % of increase in comparison to 2019. The reason of such dramatic rise is not only the sanitary crisis, we ought to remember that the increase in e-commerce is a natural process in the market. Electronic commerce has been increasing for some years and nowadays there are over 22 millions of online buyers in Spain.
The online channel has been used more and more due to the vast number of benefits that electronic commerce brings to the customers. The significant investments in logistics systems made by various e-commerce companies let their users enjoy faster, more efficient and safe services.
Currently, Catalonia is the autonomous region with the highest rate of buyers on digital level – 17,8%. It is followed by Andalusia with 16,6% and finally by the Community of Madrid with 16,3%.
Another major factor in the rise of e-commerce has been the exponential increase of coexistence points.
Coexistence points enable an enormous flexibility and provide several benefits to the customers, shippers and shop owners. The union of different local businesses in coexistence points allows the customers to collect the parcel in nearby places where it suits them best to receive or collect it.
As well as mentioned above, they allow to optimise the deliveries in relation to the 'last mile', cutting down on both the delivery time and carbon footprint left by the shippers.
Due to the exponential growth of electronic commerce, the logistics companies will become more and more important, owing to the fact that they are the backbone of the e-commerce. For this reason, in Nordlogway, we never stop to evolve in order to be able to offer the best service to our customers.