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In the world changing its form constantly, the global interconnection on all the levels is increasing.

In 2020 we could see how the trade sales through the e-commerce rose by almost 40%, placing itself this way as the third market with the biggest growth within 2020.

This is due to the fact that in order to count with a functional and efficient business, it's essential to have a good logistic system that supports the project. For this reason, the amount invested in the improvement of logistic processes is each time bigger.

All those changes have led the logistic sector to a constant evolution and creation of a great number of new strategies:

  1. The green logistics:

One of the biggest novelties of the year 2021 has been the irruption of the green logistics in various logistic companies.

Nowadays, the concern about the environment is taken into account more every day, both in the political agenda of the countries and within the society itself. The good treatment of the environment is becoming more and more important to the consumer and therefore this factor influences in larger measure and in more direct form the consumer's decisions.

For this reason, the logistics sector is making great efforts to implement freight that would be sustainable or less polluting or to use recyclable packaging materials, among others.

  1. Talent and specialised training:

Due to its evolution, the sector is each time more complex, changeable and plural.

For this reason, the investment in improvement of the company's technology is each time more necessary, likewise the recruitment of more qualified and specialised personnel.

These two factors are strictly connected, given that the development of technology should be accompanied by professionals able to use it in the optimal way and capable of adaptation to the new logistics environment.

Within the year 2021 the investment in the development of the new technologies such as artificial intelligencesupply chain visibility or the Big Data will be continued.

  1. Larger concern about the costumer:

The customer is each time more demanding and expects to receive the order as soon as possible.

For this reason, novel solutions, which would allow the logistic sector to provide the costumer with what they ask for, have begun to be studied and offered.

These solutions, designed to increase the customer's comfort, include the usage of drones that deliver the parcels directly to the customer's house, offer a 24/7 available service with high-speed deliveries and also carry out the deliveries in much more specific places such us a car, for instance.

In such changeable world, the improvement of the services on offer turns out to be vital to achieve the commercial success. For this reason, Nordlogway is always working in order to evolve and be able to offer our customers the best tools related to the e-commerce and the best service for the customers through our 3PL technologies.