Chemical products: how should they be handled in the logistics?
In the same way as dangerous substances, chemical products are subjected to a specific legislation which ensures a certain level of sefety during their storage, handling and transportation.
Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that your logistics supplier has the required certification to transport and handle your product. Then, what certification are we talking about? We are going to talk about it in the following lines:
Storage of Chemical Products (APQ) rules in warehouses
Chemical products storage is currently regulated by the RD 656/2017.
In this regulation and its additional technical instructions, we find safety measures which should be fulfilled by warehouses while storing chemical products.
There are also specified mandatory periodic revisions for this case, which according to the RD 656/2017 are competence of the relevant body in each autonomous region.
In Catalonia it is also necessary for a warehouse which handles chemicals to be registered in the Industrial Safety of Technical Installations Register in Catalonia (RITSIC).
ADR regulations concerning transport
Regarding chemical products transportation, the activity is regulated by the Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
In this European treaty signed in 1957 there were established fundamental requirements for the distribution of this kind of materials, including specific needs regarding their relocation. This regulation was adopted in Spain in 1972.
As well as to specify conditions of vehicles conceived for chemical products transportation, the ADR also clarifies documentation which must be submitted to the administration in order to receive ADR certification.
These vehicles are usually fitted with fixed or demountable tanks for liquids or organic peroxides, as well as with external labels which provide information about the kind of dangerous goods they are carrying.
Nordlogway: specialised in chemical products storage and transport
In Nordlogway, we have a warehouse certified for Storage of Chemical Products (APQ) and a fleet of vehicles with ADR certification. This allows us to offer a complete service to our customers, whatever kind of goods should be transported.
If also you wish to count with a logistics partner specialised in chemical products transport and storage, please contact us through this link and receive our non-binding quotation adapted to your needs.