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Top 5 most powerful innovations in the logistics service

In current circumstances, lots of companies are trying to face up inflation, raw materials crisis and energy cost rises by cutting down their expenses in the supply chain.

Optimisation of all these logistics processes and supply chain of a company is always vital so that it can maintain its highly competitive levels, but now it is more important than ever. 

To some extent, this is a transition to Industry 4.0, a model which intends to incorporate technologic market innovations to adapt to the needs of each company with the objective of improving the efficiency of its processes.

Even though all the areas of a company can profit with new technologies incorporation, in this article we are going to have a closer look at those most promising concerning the logistics sector. Would you like to accompany us?

Blockchain technology

Undoubtedly you have heard about it for its application in cryptocurrency.

Applied in the logistics sector and supply chain, the blockchain technology allows to register in an inalterable and safe way all the information related to product tracking. 

This register is useful to be able to verify products authenticity, the origin of raw materials, the personnel who has been in contact with goods.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial logic is capable of providing extremely powerful computer processing. This processing, applied in logistics and supply chain brings very precise automated solution.

Some of the AI applications in the logistics sectors are:

  • Autonomous vehicles programming for goods transport
  • Employees movement analysis in order to design more efficient work methods
  • Intelligent control of robotic systems


Robotics is perhaps the principal technology which allows to automise certain logistics and supply chain processes. 

One of the best known examples of its application are so called ‘drive’, machines which are capable of working in a way totally independent from human control, as they mobilise thanks to QR codes located in the ground.

Internet of Things 

The Internet of Things allows to obtain an unprecedented level of control over all the technological devices which take part in logistics processes and supply chain. 

This is possible thanks to the sensorisation, in other words installation of microsensors in all devices. These sensors exchange information flow among them and among control systems used by the logistics workers.

Thanks to this information processing, it is possible to know the availability status of each device, make a diagnosis of its functioning, control its activation and deactivation from anywhere in the world.

Technological platforms for last mile tracking

The last mile delivery is one of the most crucial logistics activities for a company to be commercially successful. Even so, the majority of organisations do not achieve a clear and direct control over this kind of deliveries.

For this reason, the technological market has developed a high technology programme for goods visibility during the last mile. These applications offer, among others:

  • Real time tracking of carriers 
  • Direct communication channels with final customers 
  • Analysis and optimised planning of routs

We hope that thanks to this article you could discover the principal technological innovations which allow to optimise logistics sector processes and supply chain.

In Nordlogway, we are committed to technological innovations as a way to continue improving our service and profitability of our business, in both internal context and regarding our customers.